99’s The Theresa Dellaquila Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Name:

99’s The Theresa Dellaquila Memorial Scholarship


The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is part of an organization of licensed women pilots represented in over 40 countries. Our purpose is to engage in educational, charitable, and scientific activities, and to promote aeronautical science.  The scholarship awards may be used for any aviation purpose, and all qualified applicants will be seriously considered.


These scholarships are traditionally awarded to those females who reside, attend school, or are employed in the Greater Delaware Valley, or who are members of the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of The Ninety-Nines, Inc.

Value: $2,500

Application Submission Process and Completion Date:

Applications for 2017 will be available by February 1st and must be received by April 30th.

Selection Process:

Check website after February 1st for more information.


Link to application


Theresa Dellaquila learned to fly at Northeast Philadelphia airport, and joined The Ninety-nines soon afterwards. She quickly earned her instrument rating, and then turned her interest to flying helicopters.

Theresa and her partner, Drew, traveled to air shows and on trips meeting new and old aviation friends wherever they went; and she quickly became an integral part of the local aviation community.

Because of her never flagging enthusiasm for aviation and her ever-inquiring mind, she quickly became an ambassador of our Chapter and of the entire organization of The 99s. Her short time with The 99s brought her hundreds of new friends. She called us her “sisters”.

Although she became very sad as she realized she was losing the battle against breast cancer, Theresa did not bemoan her problems. She stated her situation very matter-of-factly and became quite philosophical. As we struggled through her illness with her, she viewed every bit of help we could give as a special gift from each person giving it.Theresa wrote a goodbye note to our chapter, telling us: “Take deep breaths and celebrate life with good friends, that is my idea of happiness.”

Theresa passed away at age 42 on March 8, 2007. It was our very great honor to know Theresa. She set an example for us all, to follow our passion and to do our very best, whatever the situation.


Eastern PA Chapter, 99’s, Inc.

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