Antipodean and Embry-Riddle Wire and Obstacle Environment Awareness Course Scholarship $220

Scholarship Name:

Antipodean and Embry-Riddle Wire and Obstacle Environment Awareness Course Scholarship $220


This scholarship is awarded to a Whirly-Girl who wishes to increase her knowledge in how to conduct safe operations in the low-level environment.


The applicant must be a female helicopter rated pilot and be a member in good standing with the Whirly-Girls.  Applicants must be 21 years old or older, and hold current licenses and medical certificates as endorsed by the FAA.



Application Submission Process and Completion Date:

The applicant must have been a member of the Whirly-Girls no later than September 20, 2016, and must have the scholarship completed by December 31, 2017.  Additionally, include a copy of the following:

  • Scanned copy of your Pilot Certificate and/or Instructor Certificate.
  • Scanned Copy of your Current Medical.
  • Fully completed application forms
  • Non-Refundable application fee of $45.00
  • Three current letters of Recommendation attesting to experience, qualifications, work history, work ethic, and or financial need.

Selection Process:

Sponsors and judges rate each applicant.  The Whirly-Girls scholarship board again reviews each application.  They take into consideration the applicant’s scholarship request, the sponsor’s and judge’s ratings, and make the final decision on which applicants to award each scholarship to.


Whirly-Girls Scholarships Page


This course is designed to educate pilots in low-level operations.  The course is relevant to all operating areas around the world, but specifically discusses the FAA, CASA, and EASA/JAA regulatory requirements.


Whirly-Girls Scholarships Page

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