AOPA Erral Lea Plymate Memorial Flight Training Scholarship $2,500 each (5)

Scholarship Name:

AOPA Erral Lea Plymate Memorial Flight Training Scholarship $2,500 each (5)


The intent of this scholarship is to help student pilots pursue their dreams of flying.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a US citizen or permanent resident
  • Be at least 16 years of age at the time of application
  • Hold a current FAA student pilot certificate at the time of application
  • Be a current member of AOPA at both the time of application and when the scholarship is awarded
  • Not have completed the FAA practical test/check ride at time of application.


Five scholarships awarded at $2,500 each

Application Submission Process and Completion Date:

Application window will open in February 2016.  Interested students should check the link below often in February as a specific date is not available from AOPA.

After completing the online application, applicant will receive a unique link for an online recommendation form that is specific to you.  Send that exact link to two individuals and ask them to complete the online recommendation form by the application deadline.

Selection Process:

Applicants will be chosen on individual merit, ability to set goals and a demonstrated commitment to flight training.


Download the Application


This scholarship is paid for from an endowment in the memory of Erral Lea Plymate.  Erral began flying some 60 years ago with her husband Glenn.  Erral would accompany Glenn on all his trips amassing thousands of hours in the right seat as his flying companion.  In 1964 Erral learned to fly herself in Salem, Oregon.  She became experienced in maintenance, often assisting Glenn in keeping their airplane in safe working order.  As time went on, and they had children, they too learned how to fly and become airplane owners.  In 2003, Erral suddenly passed away, and Glenn asked for donations to be made to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation in her name.  These donations amassed to quite a large sum over time, and these flight training scholarships are funded from this endowment.


AOPA Flight Training Scholarships

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