Army Aviation Association of America Inc. (AAAA) Scholarship

Scholarship Name:

Army Aviation Association of America Inc. (AAAA) Scholarship


The AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation established to render financial assistance for the college-level education of members of the Army Aviation Association of America, Inc. (AAAA). The spouses, unmarried siblings, children and grandchildren of current and deceased AAAA members are also eligible. 100% of every dollar donated to the Scholarship Foundation goes to a scholarship or endowed principal based on the AAAA paying all overhead expenses for the Scholarship Foundation.


In order to apply for an AAAA Scholarship you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You must be a current member of the Army Aviation Association of America, or
  • the spouse of a current AAAA member or deceased member, or
  • the son or daughter of a current member or deceased member, or
  • the grandchild of a current member or deceased member, or
  • the unmarried sibling of a current member or deceased member.

In all the above instances, the member’s effective date must be on or before May 1 of the previous year in which the applicant is seeking aid, unless the member is deceased. This requirement is waived for uniformed members of the Active Army, ARNG and USAR. The applicant must be attending an accredited college or university or selected for fall entry as an undergraduate or graduate. No recipient can hold concurrent AAAA Scholarships.

Check the website for the open period to download and submit the pre-qualification from.



Application Submission Process and Completion Date:

To apply for an AAAA Scholarship you must first complete and submit the Pre-Qualifying Form.  Once submitted you will receive an email within one week notifying you of your eligibility. If eligible, the email will contain a link to the Scholarship Application Form.  Click the link below to access the Pre-Qualifying Form.  You will be asked to create an account. The account should be created with the Applicant’s name. Also, please use your primary email address when creating your account. All correspondence relating to your application will be sent to that address.

2017 Pre-Qualifying Form:  Submit your pre-qualifying form on or before April 1st.  This will allow you three weeks or more to complete the application before the May 1st deadline.

2017 Scholarship Application Required Materials: 

  • Current Transcript of Grades – Transcripts are mandatory for all applicants.
  • Proof of Admission to an Accredited College or University.  Mandatory for all applicants.
  • Photograph – Mandatory for all applicants.
  • Essay – Applicants to compose a maximum 300-word essay.  Mandatory for all applicants.
  • Reference – To be completed by an individual who is aware of the applicant’s abilities and potential.  Do not include relatives.  Mandatory for all applicants.  (deadline June 1st)
  • Teacher’s Recommendation – To be completed by a teacher who has direct, personal knowledge of the applicant’s classroom performance.  Mandatory for all applicants. (deadline June 1st)
  • Academic Reporting Form – To be completed by the appropriate school official who has access to the applicant’s academic history.  This form includes a place to upload the applicant’s grade transcript.  Mandatory for Freshmen applicants. (deadline June 1st)

Selection Process:

The AAAA Scholarship Foundation, Inc. is a separate corporate entity working in cooperation with the Army Aviation Association of America, Inc. (AAAA) to provide scholarship grants for college level education to members of the AAAA and the spouses, unmarried siblings, children and grandchildren of current and deceased AAAA members.


All applications and supporting data are submitted via Smarter Select, an online scholarship program, to the AAAA National Office by May 1st. References have until June 1st to submit their portion of the application. A distinct file number is assigned to each applicant file. The AAAA National Office reviews all documents and removes all identifying information such as applicant’s name, address, parents’ names and addresses and any other personal data. The members of the Scholarship Selection Committee are not aware of the identity of the applicants until the selection process is completed and then, the members of the Committee are informed only of the names of the winners; the names of the non-winners are not made known to the Scholarship Selection Committee.


A volunteer National Scholarship Selection Committee is responsible for evaluating the applications. To assist the Scholarship Selection Committee in their evaluation effort, prior to submission to the Scholarship Selection Committee, the AAAA National Office records each applicant’s GPA in order to establish an initial Order of Merit List. This Order of Merit List is used to divide the applicants into nine groups: Freshmen Groups I, II and III, Upperclassmen Groups I, II and III and Graduate Groups I, II and III.

The attending members of the Scholarship Selection Committee divide into at least two groups depending on the number of attending members. The committee reads and rates each file using a “10 point” scale with “1” being the lowest and “10” being the highest rating. Some of the files are voted electronically. It may vary from year to year as to which Group of files are voted at the meeting and which ones are voted electroncially depending on the number of files in each group and the number of attending members. Once the voting is complete the votes are tallied by the AAAA National Office and a new Order of Merit List is established based on the results.


Grants are assigned in descending order by the dollar amount of the grant to the applicants in descending order by the OML. For those grants that are open to freshmen, upperclassmen, and graduate students, grants are to be awarded to the applicant with the greatest academic achievement based on the applicant’s ranking on the OML in the following priorities: freshman top third, upperclassman top third, and graduate top third, followed by the respective middle thirds and bottom thirds.

If the recipient of a grant is an entering freshman and the grant is less than $2,000, it shall be awarded as a one-year grant; if the grant is $2,000 or more but less than $4,000, it shall be awarded as a two-year grant, if the grant is equal to or more than $4,000, it shall be awarded as a four-year grant. If the recipient is an upperclassman or graduate student, the grant shall be paid out in equal parts over the remaining upperclassman years.

In the interest of providing Chapter Funded Scholarships to applicants from the chapter area, the committee should first determine whether there are remaining Chapter Funded Scholarships of equal or larger value than the remaining scholarships that have not been assigned; and if so, assign the Chapter Matching Fund Scholarships first.

In the interest of providing Individual Matching Fund Scholarships to applicants meeting the specific sponsoring individual requests, the committee should then determine whether there are remaining Individual Matching Fund Scholarships of equal or larger value than the remaining scholarships that have not been assigned; and if so, assign the Individual Matching Fund Scholarships next.

In the interest of providing Heritage Matching Fund Scholarships to applicants from a specific sponsoring veteran association, the committee should then determine whether there are remaining Heritage Matching Fund Scholarships of equal or larger value than the remaining scholarships that have not been assigned; and if so, assign the Heritage Matching Fund Scholarships next.

In the interest of providing Corporate Matching Fund Scholarships to applicants from a specific corporation, the committee should then determine whether there are remaining Corporate Matching Fund Scholarships of equal or larger value than the remaining scholarships that have not been assigned; and if so, assign the Corporate Matching Fund Scholarships next.

If there are any Chapter Matching Fund Scholarships remaining that have not been assigned, for those Chapters that have chosen Option 11, the Chapter Matching Fund Scholarship is assigned to the applicant from another area with the greatest academic achievement based on the applicant’s ranking on the OML in the following priorities: freshman top third, upperclassman top third, and graduate top third, followed by the respective middle thirds and bottom thirds.

If there are any Chapter Matching Fund Scholarships remaining that have not been assigned, for those Chapters that have chosen Option 21, the Chapter Matching Fund Scholarship is not awarded.

Scholarships of equal value without special restrictions should be assigned last.


1 Chapters that sponsor Chapter Matching Fund Scholarships have provided one of the following two options to the committee pertaining to the assignment of their scholarships:

(1.) The Chapter scholarship will be awarded to a Chapter member, or spouse, sibling, child or grandchild of a member or deceased member of the Chapter. Scholarships will be awarded in the following priorities: freshman top third, upperclassman top third, graduate top third, followed by the respective middle thirds and bottom thirds. If all applicants from the Chapter area receive other AAAA scholarships or if there are no applicants whatsoever from the Chapter area, or not enough applicants are left from the Chapter to receive all the chapter’s awards that year, after the awarding of other larger non-chapter scholarships, the remaining Chapter scholarship(s) will be awarded to an applicant from another area in accordance with the Order of Merit List (OML) established by the Selection Committee.

(2.) The Chapter Scholarship will be awarded to a Chapter member, or spouse, sibling, child or grandchild of a member or deceased member of the Chapter. Scholarships will be awarded in the following priorities: freshman top third, upperclassman top third, graduate top third, followed by the respective middle thirds and bottom thirds. If there are NO applicants whatsoever, or not enough applicants left from the Chapter to receive all the chapter’s awards that year after the awarding of other larger non-chapter scholarships, the Chapter’s remaining donation , not including the matching amount, will be held at the National level for subsequent award in the next year’s program.


Check the website for the open period to download and submit the pre-qualification from.


Army Aviation Association of America

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